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If I had been there on that day...

Yesterday, I asked myself: What would I have done if I had been in Jerusalem on that day, the day of Jesus' Resurrection?

If I had been there on that day, I would have rushed to the tomb before dawn, even before the Myrophoric women, Peter and John the beloved disciple... My Master has been absent for three days, far from my eyes, and my heart, more agile than theirs, longs to see him.

If I had been there that day, I'd have tried to convince the guards that it's pointless to stay and guard the one no death or grave can imprison.

If I had been there that day, I would have laughed at the Jewish high priests who had asked Pilate to guard the stone of the tomb: once again, these blind men could not kill Jesus or stifle his light!

If I had been there that day, I'd have sat beside Mary Magdalene, waiting for my Master to emerge from his tomb with his bright light.

If I had been there that day, I'd rather not have gone to the tomb, nor moved a millimeter from my house... I would have stayed with the Virgin Mary, waiting with her for the return of her son, smiling like her with a hidden smile, because, like her, I have faith that the Lord's promise will inevitably be fulfilled: "And after three days I will rise again".

If I had I been there that day, I would have clung to the Lord, simply to kiss him, hoping to make him forget Judas' deceitful kiss... I don't even need to see the nail marks in his hands or put my finger in his side, because I believe in him with a solid faith, as stony as the rolled stone of his tomb: "He is my Lord and my God.

Christ is risen. He is truly risen!