A brief historical overview

Father Ephram Kardouh founded the parish of St. Basil the Great in Calgary in 2015, and his ministry stopped in September 2019. As for Father Samer Naaman, he was appointed as a parish priest from July first, 2020, until now. Before the establishment of the parish of St. Basil the Great in Calgary, spiritual services were held on the mission of some “missionary” fathers who would come on some occasions, gather families, and hold Masses, whether in homes or in some churches after renting them for this purpose. Perhaps one of the most important priests who performed this service for our parishioners, in the last years before its legal establishment, is the Most Holy Father Basil Janadri.


4903 45 St SW, Calgary, AB T3E 3W5, Canada

Schedule of Masses

Mass is celebrated weekly on Sunday at 1pm in the afternoon; As for the other prayers, their timings are variable and not fixed.


Mrs. Rana Salloum

The Sisterhood of Ladies

Mrs. Marcel Kanbour


Mrs. Jehan Ozon

Solemn Communion Preparation

Mrs. Noor Awad